If you want to make any correction in your PAN card like name, father, name,how to change pan date of birth, photo, signature or how to change address in pan card, or you have made this PAN card, and you want to add father’s name, photo and signature on it, then this blog is especially for you. In this blog, I am going to show you the complete process of getting correction in PAN card. how to change father name in pan card online?
After reading this blog, you can get any correction done in PAN card easily. So let’s start.
how to change father name in pan card online:
To get any correction done in your PAN card, you will have to contact NSDL. You have to come to the portal. [] you will choose in the changes and corrections category. You will choose in the individual title, you will choose Mr. Mrs.
Kumari, in this you will enter your last name. First name will be entered here and if Is you have a middle name, then enter it here. After this, select your date of birth, which you can select from the calendar. Enter your email ID and a mobile number. If you are an Indian citizen, you will say yes. Provide your PAN card number.
You will enter, after this you will accept the terms, you will fill the captcha. You have to type it as written here, after this submit, a token number will be generated in this way, you will click on Continue with pen application form. How will you enter your If you want to submit the PAN application document, you have been given three options, for this you will select the second option: Submit scanned images through e-sign.
You will tick this here. Do you also need a physical PAN card? Yes, we will give it to you through physical. A PAN card should also be posted at your address. Scroll down and tick the Aadhaar number here. how to change father name in pan card online In this, you have to enter the last four digits of your Aadhaar card. Whatever is your Aadhaar card number, you will enter the last four digits here.
Step:2 how to change father name in pan card online
You have to type the name written on your Aadhaar card here. If you scroll down, your name and date of birth will appear in front of you. In this, you will select your gender. You can tick whatever correction to make corrections to my PAN card data. You will do this like if you want to make a correction in your name, then you will tick it and here you will fill the correct name which to make changes to my PAN card information.
Similarly, if you want to make a correction in the date of birth. Then you will tick it and Here you will select your correct date of birth. If you want to make correction in father’s name, then you will tick it. Below, you will fill the details with father’s name. Then you will enter father’s last name here.
First name will be enter here. If there is a middle name then you will type it here. similarly you have to fill the mother name here, last name. First name and middle name. Whose name do you want on the PAN card, father’s or mother’s, you will tick here and fill the details. After this, you will select which communication address you want to keep, residence or office, after this you will fill your address. Then in this you will enter the flat room door or block number, you will fill the name with the building or the name of the village here. how to change father name in pan card online?
You will fill the name with street lane or post office here, after this you will enter the area locality or subdivision here. After this you will enter the name of your town city or district here. select your country and India, after this you will select your state. You will enter your PIN code. If you also want to update the address in your PAN card, then you will tick it.
Whatever address you fill here, it will be update in your PAN card. After this, you will give your contact details, then in this you will enter the country. You will choose the code like here I type India, enter your mobile number here and enter your email ID. If you want to update the mobile number and email ID in your PAN card. Then you will tick this same mobile number.
And the email ID will be update in your PAN card. If you have more than one PAN card number and want to surrender them. Then you will tick this and all your other PAN card numbers will be enter here first. You will enter second in this, then this PAN card will be surrendered, that is, it will be closed.
If you do not have more than one PAN card number, then uncheck it. Next, after this, you will select which document. Which document do you want to give for proof. like which document do you want to give for ID proof, if I want to give Aadhar card, then here I will select Aadhaar. Which document do you want to give for address proof, in this also I will select Aadhar.
I will give the card, what proof do you want to give for the date of birth, in this also I will give only the Aadhar card. You can select here which proof you want to give for the PAN card you have, if you have any. If there is no proof then select no document and if you have a PAN card then you will select copy of PAN card here. After this you have to give a declaration that whatever details you have filled here are absolutely correct then click on select.
Also read: Pan card kaise download kare
Click and here you will select ‘Himself’. You will enter here how many documents you are giving for this correction. For example, if I am giving only copy of Aadhar Card and PAN Card. Then here I will enter two in the place. You will enter the name of your village. Town or city here, after this you have to upload the photo and signature, whatever you want to print on your PAN card. in which format you have to upload the photo, what will be the size. What will be the dimension, you will see here.
To upload the photo, you will click on select here, after this you will select the photo and Here you will click on upload, in this way your photo will be uploaded. After this you have to upload the signature. Then here you will select the signature, after this upload, in this way your signature will also be uploaded. this signature will be printed on your PAN card.
After this, we will upload the Aadhar card, so first select it from here, you have to upload the Aadhar card in PDF format and its size should not be more than 300 KB. In this way you will select the Aadhar card. click on upload, the Aadhar card is also yours. It will be uploaded. If you want to upload a copy of PAN card, then you will click on Add Document.
Step:6 how to change father name in pan card online
You will select the copy of PAN card here. In this way, you have to select the PAN card in PDF here also. Click on upload. PAN card will also be upload. It will be uploaded here, after that submit your application will be submitted. On this page you have to check all your details once and confirm them. In this, you will first enter the first eight digits of your Aadhar card. We will already enter the last four digits of Aadhar card.
If you have done this then here we have to enter only the first eight digits of the Aadhar card. After this we will scroll down and check all the details in your application. If you want to correct something then you can correct it by clicking on edit here and If you feel that everything is absolutely correct then click on proceed. Now you have to make payment. Then you will select online payment here, you have to pay some paisa, below you will accept the terms, after this proceed to payment, after this pay confirm.
You will be redirected to the payment gateway, from here you can make payment in any way like I want to pay through UPI then I will click on this, in this you will either enter your UPI ID, after this make payment in your UPI application. Notification will come, click on it. and you will complete the payment, or you will click on show code here, a code will appear in front of you. you can scan it from any UPI application and make the payment.
The payment has been successful, after this you will see this The page will come, you will not refresh it otherwise your payment will fail, then you will have to wait for some time here and in this way the payment success screen will appear in front of you, you will continue, after this you will have to authenticate through Aadhar card, so here But you will give consent, after this you will authenticate, after this you will click on OTP generation. how to change father name in pan card online?
A verification code will be sent to the mobile number register with your Aadhaar. Enter the OTP here. After this, submit authentication will be successful. After this, click on Continue with eSign. To e-sign your application, you will give consent here, enter your Aadhaar card number, after this send OTP, OTP will be sent on the number linked with Aadhaar card, verify by entering the OTP here, your application will be e-signed successfully, now you will get There is no need to do anything else, nor is there any need to send any physical document anywhere.
Step:8 how to change father name in pan card online
Whatever correction you have done in the PAN card, that correction will be done within 3 days. After this, the digital PAN card will be sent to your email ID. Will be given and physical PAN card will be delivered to your address by post. From here you can download your file for your records. You will click on download, in this way this file will be downloaded.
It is password protected, so in this you can enter your If you enter the date of birth and click on submit, it will be unlocked and in this way you can see your application, in this you will also get the acknowledgment number. From the acknowledgment number, you can check the status of your application as soon as it is in your PAN card.
Once the correction is done, the digital PAN card will be sent to your email ID in this way. You will get this email from NSDL, in this you will get the PAN card attached, you will click on it. This is also password protected, so in this also you can enter your date of After entering the berth, click on submit, in this way your PAN card PDF will open and in this you can see your PAN card, whatever photo and signature you have put, you can also see it here and if you have given name, father, name, date. how to change father name in pan card online?
If you have done correction in off birth, then you can also see it on this. Digital PAN card is also completely valid like physical PAN card. You can use it wherever you want. how to change father name in pan card online?